My UNE ePortfolio

Follow the Thread: “Is Art a Waste of Time?” by Rhys Southan

In Rhys Southan’s “Is Art a Waste of Time,” there was a part that stood out to me when I was annotating. Southan is explaining the central goal of Effective Altruism and he says “Simply put, EAs want to reduce suffering and increase lifespan and happiness. That’s it; nothing else matters.” This made me wonder whether or not ending suffering all over the world is really possible. I think that even if you give every person on Earth everything they need to live and be happy, there will still be things that make us unhappy. People will still find ways to be unhappy. Also, if their goal is to make people happy, can art not do that? Everyone has different things that make them happy. Art could be used a secondary aid to happiness; after every person’s basic needs are met, they might be content but why not use art to enhance happiness? I agree that creating art instead of doing good deeds for humanity is not the best thing you could be doing with your time, but you can’t expect people to be selfless and to be contributing to society 100% of the time. Small acts can make a difference too.

Another part of Southan’s essay that I responded to was when the EA claimed that “the thing you most enjoy isn’t the most moral thing to do.” Why does everything we do have to contribute to society or the “greater good?” I believe it is important to help others and do good deeds but I also think it’s okay to take the time to do things that you enjoy as well. If some thing makes you happy and it isn’t hurting anyone then I think you should do it. I don’t disagree with putting others’ needs before your own but I also believe that you should take time for yourself.  Selflessness is an important virtue but you must also value your own life.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson


    First of all, your website looks great. I enjoyed reading your About Me page. Your many interests sound so interesting! I’m thrilled that you are taking the initiative to start a skating club! I’m also excited by your enthusiasm for the coast (and keeping it clean!) 🙂

    Your annotations looks fantastic. Keep it up! I also have to point out this quote from your first thread, ” I think that even if you give every person on Earth everything they need to live and be happy, there will still be things that make us unhappy. People will still find ways to be unhappy.” I just love that you wrote this. I taught this essay last semester and not one student made this argument. Your critical thinking skills are spot on. Keep that up!

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